RIFT RAFT Newsletter
From the Bridge
Rich Aszman, Commodore
What a winter it has been. Several big snow storms that left feet of snow, knocked power out and delayed the much needed pre-season work at the club. However, due to the hard work of our membership, we have not skipped a beat.
Every time it snowed, our driveway and parking area was plowed better and faster than the local streets. Breakfast was served, successful parties were held and club business continued. This is a testament to the dedicated people who consider the RRBC to not be a marina, not just a club, but an extension of their homes.
February saw an exciting Super Bowl party and Daytona 500 party. In March, we broke tradition and decided to hold our St. Patrick’s Day celebration on a Saturday. All three parties had good attendance and many nonmembers joining the fun. Thanks to all who helped make them a success.
For the past couple of weekends, we have been doing dock work. The Dockmaster called for dock building from 8-11, but members willingly stayed to late afternoon doing what is needed to ready this club for the upcoming season. Our “senior statesmen” came and used their skills to ready the crane for upcoming use. Thank you to those who helped with these efforts.
In the upcoming weeks, dock work will intensify. I ask ALL members, not just those with slips, but ALL members to join the fun (yes, it is kind of fun) to help with the work that still has to be done. After all, we are a boat club and without the docks, what kind of a boat club would we be?
I would like to say thank you to Leslie Aszman, for all her efforts planning and running around, and Lori Stevens, for making all of the table decorations. Your work has not gone unnoticed.
If anyone has special skills that can help the club, just ask, we will put them to use.
From the Navigator
Andy Stevens
Welcome to volume 33 issue 2. For the record, the editors of the Rift Raft came in a close second to Kazuo Ishiguro for the 2017 Nobel Prize for literature. If anyone would like to submit something to this award winning periodical, please send it to either ADStevens@aol.com or JulioAGarzon@outlook.com (Andy and New Alex). Whether it is a one-time piece or recurring column, just let us know.
Thank You Breakfast Crew
Thank you to the breakfast crew who came down and served breakfast on Sunday mornings in January, February and March. Your selfless efforts helped raise funds for the club while providing an enjoyable way to spend the morning. Good job Joe and team.
Raritan River Boat Club
For membership questions, please call either:
Bill 732.540.2407 or Mike 732.213.5179
Membership Anniversaries
Congratulations to the following who have membership anniversaries in the second quarter:
Sidney Aumack, Jim Rutowski, G. Robert Campbell, Richard Aszman, Robert Murphy, Michael Beaudrow, William Stephens, Jack Michael, Tom Crowley, Jr., Thomas Crowley, Chris Branna, Alex Marin, Jon Kopelson, Bill Scott, Glenn Clark, Glenn Hellwig, Randall Schleuss, Anthony Dima, Jayson Ditzel
St. Patrick’s Day Party
On Saturday March 17th, we held out annual St. Patrick’s Day party. Though we didn’t have a bag piper, we had not one, not two, but three bands entertain us. First we had some Irish flair with the Malone Brothers. They were followed by the Seth Tieger Band, who got the crowd going. In clean-up were Shannon Rovers who played all sorts of music.
The bar served specialty drinks and the food was delicious. Great job to the cooks. Great job to Tom and Mike for organizing.
Daytona 500 Party
We had a nice turnout for the Daytona party. Our commodore and the first lady decked the club out with festive decorations. The grill was on. See pictures on page 6
Key Dates in April
All slip fees must be paid in full by the first meeting in April. If not, your slip will be lost.
Slip Assignment Day (SAD) will be April 7th or 8th. This is the only opportunity to officially switch slips. Several people opted not to retain their slips. At this special meeting members wanting to switch or be assigned a permanent slip have to be present to request. There are certain criteria to be eligible and other criteria that determines the order. Speak with the Dockmaster or a club officer for details.
Questions and Answers
- Q: Is it true that that there will be different food served at docks in depending on how much work one did during dock building (Lobsters for a lot of work, hot dogs for those on other end of scale)?
- A: No, was just some light humor that was bantered about.
- Q: When do slips have to be paid in full by?
- A: As far as I know, by the first meeting in April.
- Q: When do we have to sign-up to be on the gabion wall?
- A: When you decide to use it. Spaces are first come first served. People not choosing to be on the wall have to be off of it by the day before the opening.
- Q: When do boats have to be off the peninsula?
- A: One week before the opening.
- Q: Where did Mike Kelly learn to be so handy with a circular saw?
- A: According to him, in the Congo.
- Q: How can I increase the chances my dock will be re-decked or worn boards will be replaced?
- A: Per the Dockmaster, by coming down during dock building.
- Q: What is that box like thing hanging on a rafter on the upstream part of the Tiki bar?
- A: Bill Germann installed a heater.
- Q: Now that we have a heater and a stove in the Tiki bar, will we get air conditioning?
- A: I heavily doubt that.