RIFT RAFT Newsletter
From the Bridge
Anthony Dima, Commodore
It seems like it was just a couple of years ago I was the new kid on the block here at the club. As with all new members, I was just trying to fit in and help the club. Now, 15 years later I find myself sitting at the center of the head table at meetings.
As I start my term following Mike Beaudrow, I want to keep the strong momentum going. We are actively working on adjusting the ramp so jet skis and smaller boats can use it even during low tide. Jeff Voorhees and helpers spent a lot of time cleaning up the grounds. We are acquiring a new crane which we will instantly put to use. Soon we will get moving on the bulkhead work.
I want to thank all of those who helped out redoing the ladies room. From the feedback I received, it was a job well done!
So far this year we have had some successful parties: Superbowl, Daytona 500, St. Patrick’s Day and the commodore’s ball. These events could not have had the success they did without the members helping out. I thank those that helped and encourage your continued participation.
Looking out at the many projects we still have planned and the work that is involved, I beseech the membership to keep up this level of participation. The more work we do now, the more fun the season will have to offer us.
In advance, I thank my lovely wife Kelli for putting up with the new time commitment I will have at the club. Enjoy the season everyone.