Welcome to Rift Raft
The RRBC NewsletterFrom the Navigator
Andy Stevens
If anyone would like to have something included, feel free to submit it. Please send submissions to ADStevens@aol.com or JulioAGarzon@outlook.com.

Wow, where did the summer go. It seems like we were just building docks and getting our boats ready for the season. Now we are thinking about how we can get one or two more good trips out of our boats and jet skis before we pull them out.
What a winter it has been. Several big snow storms that left feet of snow, knocked power out and delayed the much needed pre-season work at the club. However, due to the hard work of our membership, we have not skipped a beat.
When I became a member of the club back in 1994, the last place I pictured myself was sitting at the center of the head table during meetings. But as the years went by I realized how special the RRBC really is. Everyone knows the club exists by the hard work of its members. The more we put into the club, the more we actually get out of it.
On Saturday 3/25, the Commodores Ball was held at our club. As I said in my remarks, I am especially proud of our club and club house. An email was sent out asking for members to help set up for the party. Many members answered the call. The house was totally cleaned and decorated. We were able to show off the new carpeting we had installed in the meeting room. Without the help of our membership doing work both inside and outside, the club wouldn’t be what it is.
Glenn Hellwig enlisted the Wrecks to perform and they did a great job. People were dancing for hours on end. The Simun’s cut quite the rug on the dance floor. Who knew?
As I enter my second year as commodore, I think about what we accomplished last year and what we hope to do this year. One can only ponder so long before actions have to begin. We have a full list of things, so please, don’t be shy, come down and help out.
I would like to thank those people who have been coming down and helping with the steel. Your efforts are of the kind that keeps this club moving forward. I can only imagine if we didn’t have the volunteers that we do and had to pay others to do this. Dues and fees would have to double at least.
The bulk of the 2016 boating season is now behind us. I think we can say this year was successful at the club.
Docks went in on time, though we struggled with the chains. We even re-shaped some fingers. The Opening, Hosting and Closing were well attended and lasted well into the night. The dock party saw good food and drinks with the Rib Master Mike Kelly cooking by his boat. Acquapalooza was a fun day though it got a little hectic at the end. Thank you to everyone who pitched in, we can’t do it without volunteers.
We also have a lot of work to do. Boats out will keep people busy. Putting up the doors and windows to the Tiki bar goes a lot faster with more hands.
As we are about half way through the year of the boating season, I would like to take a minute to talk about where we are and where we hope to be headed.
We have made good progress this year, and as always this does not come easily. I have noticed that many people are working and we have completed many things and this has left time for all to enjoy their families and the club.
I would like to talk about some of the highlights, and I’m sure that I will be forgetting some things, my apologies.
It seems like it was just a couple of years ago I was the new kid on the block here at the club. As with all new members, I was just trying to fit in and help the club. Now, 15 years later I find myself sitting at the center of the head table at meetings.
As I start my term following Mike Beaudrow, I want to keep the strong momentum going. We are actively working on adjusting the ramp so jet skis and smaller boats can use it even during low tide. Jeff Voorhees and helpers spent a lot of time cleaning up the grounds. We are acquiring a new crane which we will instantly put to use. Soon we will get moving on the bulkhead work.
RIFT RAFT – XXX, Issue 3
As we are about half way through the year the boating season, I would like to take a minute to talk about where we are and where we hope to be headed.
We have made good progress this year, and as always this does not come easily. I have notice that many people are working and we have completed many things and this has left time for all to enjoy their families and the club.
RIFT RAFT – XXX, Issue 1
Fellow members, as we begin 2015, we have just completed a strong budget for the club with many exciting plans and programs in store for this year. Some of our project highlights are to finish the bulk heading on the upstream side of the club, installing a new hard wood floor in the meeting room, continue our dock improvement program, and continue our electrical improvement program. We also have other projects to complete for the upkeep and the safety of our club. Although this is an aggressive plan, I believe that we have the right people in place in our offices staff, committees and membership to complete these this year.